Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Calvin Klein soft core porn

I got my new Rolling Stone today and in it was this very "comin' atchya" Calvin Klein Jeans two-page photo spread. My first thoughts were 1. they are all jail bait, 2. those man-children are way too good looking to be straight, and 3. although this is kinda hot and hell, I wouldn't kick these three waxed, chiseled male models out of anywhere for eating crackers, is this kind of risque or am I getting old?

Turns out this is a still from a new ad campaign. The video full on reminds me of soft core porn and looks like it was shot in 8mm for a Basic Filmmaking 101 class. And it's already been banned in the U.S. (go figure). You can watch it here. We sure as hell didn't have ads like this in the 80s. Back then, people were freaking out over a picture of Brook Shields just sitting there in her Calvins because the ad copy read, "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins." How things have changed.

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