Of course I had to immediately scoop up the new Vanity Fair. Love these guys! But even better than the cover . . .

. . . is this photo. Paul Rudd's expression is sublime, as are Jonah Hill's panty lines. The whole composition is so funny, but on the other hand I was like, "Whaaaaah?"
Oh, yeah, I remember!

Online at V.F. is this caption for Annie Leibovitz's parody of her own photo via the four funnymen:
- The Pretty Young Things
After appearing in Knocked Up and/or The 40-Year-Old Virgin, this quartet can now be considered summa cum laude graduates of the Judd Apatow school of comedy. Unlike so many comedy stars of the last two decades, they—and the other funny people depicted on the following pages—seem at their best when they work not as soloists but as part of a tightly knit ensemble. Say good-bye to the laughter of alienation and hello to a brand of comedy that fosters a feeling of community. Rather than dominate a crowd, they conspire with the people in the audience. Their strength lies in their charm. Even Rogen. Photographed by Annie Leibovitz (in tribute to her own March 2006 cover shot) on Stage 28 at Paramount Pictures Studio Lot, Los Angeles.
And we can't forget Russel Brand!
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