The island is halfway between Wesport Harbor and the Vineyard. It took us 15 or 20 minutes to get there. Here's the entrance to Cuttyhunk Harbor.

Cuttyhunk has a population of about 400 in summer and 50 year rounders. It's the striped bass fisherman's mecca if you're into that kind of thing. It's a half mile long and half of it is a nature preserve. Its highest point is 154 feet. The school has one teacher and three students. It is probably the most boring place on earth to grow up as a teenager, but it's nice to visit by boat. There's not much to do except tie up and hang out.

I've never seen a rainbow cloud before. Realistically, it was just a reminder that shitty weather wasn't far away, but it looked pretty. Sure enough, it rained the following eight days. But today, day nine, it is sunny again.
Now on the Cape, I took a bike ride to West Dennis Beach, a mile-long south-facing beach.

I biked to the mouth of the Bass River at the western tip of the beach, and took the below pic, looking south to Nantucket Sound. If you're looking for a good deserted beach to frolic like it's your own private island, this is the one for you because more than half the parking lot is closed due to Piping Plovers. The only way to get to this spot is to bike or walk.

Might as well soak it up, it's going to rain again tomorrow.
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