Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Firefox 3.0 is ready for action (pretty much)

Firefox 3 is ready to download. Not officially, but the test version which Mozilla had recommended only for web developers is now safe enough for mainstream use. Below is an excerpt about it from an article about browsers in the Business Section of yesterday's New York Times:
Firefox 3.0, for example, runs more than twice as fast as the previous version while using less memory, Mozilla says.

The browser is also smarter and maintains three months of a user’s browsing history to try to predict what site he or she may want to visit. Typing the word “football” into the browser, for example, quickly generates a list of all the sites visited with “football” in the name or description.

Firefox has named this new tool the “awesome bar” and says it could replace the need for people to maintain long and messy lists of bookmarks. It will also personalize the browser for an individual user.

Behold the "awesome bar." When you type a word into the URL bar, it lists all the related websites that you usually go to, or have visited recently. Then you can highlight one and it brings up that URL. Very groovy feature.

You can wait until next month for version 3 to be officially released, or get it now at the Mozilla website at the link labeled "Firefox 3 Sneak Peak."


Julianne Corey said...

yo - I like your new blog. Svelte (spelling?).
I am not online much these days, since the twins have turned toddler and I am changing 1,200,345 diapers per day and tearing them off the window sills, dogs and each other. But it's nice to read your updates when they crash :) --xo, J

Memetician said...

Yo, Baby Mama! Your profile says you have two 6 month-olds! I guess you are busy, poor thing. Hey I may be coming to Boston very soon, so I will let you know. Can't wait to see you and Bri. Love and hugs.